Picking with an Arched Wrist
From The Ultimate Chops Builder: 51 Exercises to Give You Killer Technique : “The truth is, you need to practice everything using the fast picking style that your body naturally favors — that is, the exact movements you use to pick super fast on a single string. For most players, this involves picking from the wrist ( in some cases , with the wrist arched in “quick strumming” position, where the pick hand’s pinkie or heel is used for stability), with no ‘stiff arming’ and, again, no fingertip-based movement.” I would like to omit “in some cases” from the text above. An arched wrist, like the one in the picture below from a mandolin course in the Swedish magazine Levin-bladet , will result in a natural swing in your hand. It doesn’t have to be such a pronounced arch, the important thing is that you feel that swing.