Computer Graphics Nostalgia

I’ve collected a bunch of Atari ST, Commodore Amiga and Commodore 64 pictures that I’ve converted to TIFF format. Many of the pictures were created in display modes with non‐​square pixels. I have en­tered XRes­o­lu­tion and YRes­o­lu­tion val­ues in­to the TIFF im­ages that re­flect the pixel aspect ratio. Please note that this is not an ex­act sci­ence, since the mon­i­tor used when the artist cre­at­ed the im­age may not have been prop­er­ly ad­just­ed. For online viewing, the image will be scaled so that it displays correctly on a modern display with square pixels. For offline viewing, my ImgView image viewer is one of the few programs that can do this scaling automatically.

Notes on the Commodore 64 Pictures

These pictures have been pro­duced by first mak­ing a screen­shot in VICE, then crop­ping it to 320 × 200 pix­els, and fi­nal­ly con­vert­ing it to TIFF. The palette file used in VICE is win­vice.vpl, that you will find in this directory. If you’re not hap­py with the col­ors, you can mod­i­fy the col­or map of a TIFF im­age with my lit­tle chtiffcmap util­i­ty. An ex­am­ple:

chtiffcmap win­vice.vpl fro­do.vpl "eng­lish bob­by.tif"

If you rec­og­nize one or more of the im­ages in the Unknown di­rec­to­ry as be­ing your own work, please post a comment with as much of the fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion as pos­si­ble:

  • Your re­al name at the time of im­age creation
  • Your lo­ca­tion (city, state, coun­try, etc.) at the time of im­age cre­ation
  • The soft­ware used to cre­ate the im­age
  • The date that the im­age was cre­at­ed
